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Clubspeed’s FEC Predictions for 2019

Posted by Ana Wieser on 12/28/18 7:30 AM

The family entertainment center industry continues to develop and progress, and innovative parks are shifting the way they do business to keep up with the ongoing evolution. The best way you can keep up is to follow the trends and plan ahead. We did the leg work for you so you can prepare for what’s to come in 2019.

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Topics: Adventure Park, Family Entertainment Center, Adventure Center, Activity Center, FEC Software, Facility Management, FEC

Boost Efficiency by Going Paperless at Your FEC

Posted by Ana Wieser on 12/20/18 11:37 AM

Does anyone actually enjoy doing paperwork?

While necessary, completing and organizing business and customer information takes up a lot of your and your staff’s time and actually decreases productivity. Luckily, it’s become increasingly easy for businesses to ditch their manual customer data logging for more efficient, easy-to-use, automated data collection via cloud technology.

Keep reading to discover how paperless systems will improve your activity center operations.

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Topics: Adventure Park, Family Entertainment Center, Adventure Center, Activity Center, FEC Software, Facility Management, FEC, Paperless

5 New Year's Resolutions for FEC Leaders

Posted by Ana Wieser on 12/12/18 7:47 AM

What do you want to improve as we move into the new year? Maybe you want to eat better, get more sleep, or spend more time with family. But what about at work? While you may be an effective manager at your activity center, there is always room for improvement. Here are just a few ways to improve in the coming year.

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Topics: Adventure Park, Family Entertainment Center, Adventure Center, Activity Center, New Years Resolution, Facility Management, FEC

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