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Why Customer Feedback is Important

Written by Ana Wieser | 9/25/18 4:19 PM

Without your customers, your business could not succeed. You want to provide good memories for them when they visit your activity center that will leave them satisfied and get them to come back. But how do you know if you are achieving that goal? The best way to legitimately understand what your customers think about you is to hear it directly from them. 

Gathering customer feedback from review sites, social media and other outlets not only gives you a look at your business from the eyes of your guests, but it also shows them that you care about their experience with your brand. By listening to their opinions, you can make changes within your business to provide an optimal experience for everyone and improve business. Keep reading to learn the best way to deal with different kinds of customer comments.

Responding to Negative Comments

Unfortunately, yet inevitably, not all your customers will be happy all the time. Even more unfortunate, unhappy or upset consumers generally tend to take their complaints to the internet for others to see. While most review sites don’t allow you to delete these comments, you can respond in certain ways that will keep you in a positive light.

Responding in the first place is a good move; it shows you are listening to the feedback and taking it seriously. Explain that you understand the person’s issue, and that you are addressing it, getting as specific as you can. You can also provide additional contact information for the person to call customer support at your park. Talking over the phone lowers the chance of miscommunication or misunderstanding, shows that you are dedicated to helping resolve the issue, and allows you to yield a more immediate solution. In some situations, a customer problem may be impossible to resolve logistically, but it still helps to offer some sort of explanation to show that you are hearing them out.

Showing Appreciation

Poor reviews are not enjoyable to deal with, but happy customers are out there and their positive comments be acknowledged. Just because these messages don’t offer you a problem to solve doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respond. A person that bothers to write kind things about their experience with your brand deserves a thank you, and responding with a message of appreciation will only make them feel more enthusiastic about your activity center .

Since word of mouth is one of the best ways for marketing a business, give customers an incentive for leaving a positive review of your park. The truth is that people are more likely to spend time doing something if they get some kind of reward. For instance, you could offer guests a free race at your track or a discount on an hour of trampoline jumping when they leave a 5-star review on Yelp or other review site.  

Customer feedback may not always be positive, but being attentive to their needs and opinions is important for retention and business growth. Spend a little time to show your guests that you care, and it will pay off in the long run.