What's New @ Clubspeed

How Automation Can Help You Gain A Commercial Advantage

Written by Kyle Wells | 8/19/21 4:30 PM

Impressive developments in technology revolutionize a broad range of industries almost every day. Clubspeed offers a wealth of enhanced solutions specifically created to uplift venues of all shapes and sizes. Automation of a family entertainment center makes daily operations a breeze, enhances the customer experience, and improves your reputation as a center. Here the dreams of many are made possible thanks to innovative advancements built to make our lives easier. From cashless payment technologies and touchscreen point of sale kiosks to automation of activities and experiences, automation takes your center to the next level.

Progressions in technology present you with countless opportunities to enhance efficiency and productivity as an FEC. In the office, intuitive business reporting eases the pressures of overseeing and managing your operations. Customize reporting ensures you make informed decisions regarding vital business aspects. Control your prices or package offerings in real-time while balancing a variety of customer loyalty or VIP programs.


Daily operations are made simple thanks to automated technology. Boost your employee's productivity and make daily tasks more enjoyable and efficient while saving money at the same time. Artificial, machine-learning technology reduces your chances of problems arising as a result of errors. Guarantee your operations are under control without having to worry about taking care of time-consuming tasks. This allows your staff more time each day to focus on the more challenging aspects of their jobs.



Put yourself ahead of the competition by automating a whole host of marketing capabilities aimed at profitability. With automated marketing, you are at a strong advantage when it comes to many essential aspects of a campaign. Everything from confirming bookings and following up with your customers after their visit, to updating your client base on upcoming events is made easy. Increase your commercial advantage by freeing up time previously spent on laborious tasks such as data entry and basic administration. 


Check out our FREE guide on how focusing on customer experience can increase ticket prices


With assistance from the talented Clubspeed team, you’ll assess the most effective ways your business can benefit. Focus on integrating automation in aspects of your daily operation which pose pain points for employees and customers alike. This thorough approach saves your staff time on basic tasks and allows them to pay more attention to the guests they serve. This proven tactic has a positive effect on morale throughout the entire family entertainment center experience. Your staff will be more enthusiastic and dedicated to the cause as they greet each day with a smile.



There is no question about it, Clubspeed automation provides business owners the tools they need to set their venue apart from the competition. Ready to get started? Stay relevant by embracing innovative technology and secure your place in the future of the family entertainment center industry.

We clocked hundreds of transactions from various business models and developed a new POS flow that can drastically reduce your checkout time. It’s so fast, that you might not believe the transaction is complete the first time you use it. With a group of 10 people doing 7 activities, we reduced the number of clicks by 82%, and the time from start to finish by almost 95%. Yeah, that fast.